Payment Transactions

The following options are accepted for your purchases on the shopping site.

- Credit cards of all banks (Visa, Mastercard)

- Virtual Cards

- Remittance


For purchases with credit card or virtual card;

- No commission is charged for purchases made by credit card or Virtual Card.

- Your bank must approve your card for the order process to be completed.

- When the confirmation information appears on the screen, the order process has been successfully completed.

- When the order process is completed, order summary information appears on the screen. This information will also be sent to your e-mail specified in your membership.

For purchases by wire transfer and EFT;

For wire transfer and EFT transactions, please fill out the wire transfer/EFT notification form. This form will increase our service quality and ensure faster processing of your remittance/EFT transactions.

- You can get information from your own bank about the commissions you will pay for wire transfer or EFT.

- In order for the order process to be completed, the order amount sent by wire transfer or EFT must be transferred to our accounts.

- When the order amount is transferred to our accounts, the order process is successfully completed.

- When the order process is completed, order summary information will be sent to your e-mail you specified in your membership.

You can also use the Eft / Money Order payment method for the payment of your orders from